Nicholas Wright

Editing, Reproductive Processes

video title

Old Media


video credit

Nicholas Wright, Artist and Video Director
Sound mastered and composed by Owen Hackett


video description

Inspired by the photograph of a discarded magazine, Nicholas Wright began creating collages. In this video, he describes how he understands the works as paintings using bits of magazines, and as sculptures made of three-dimensional paintings.

additional description

Artworks in order of appearance:

I Got Wood, digital photograph
, 2010, collage on plywood, 80x80 cm.
Self mediated
(unfinished), 2010, collage on chipboard, 80x50x35 cm.

Works will be exhibited at the Refectory Gallery, Nottingham from the July 16, 2010 to the end of the month. The Refectory, Nottingham City Artists, Hooton St. of Carlton Rd., Nottingham, ng3 2np


web links

Nicholas Wright’s website

Nottingham City Artists

Metaphi, MySpace